Wednesday 8 June 2011

I could go for this right now...

Right off to bed, but had to share this first... Monday night drinks Nicky? Recipe from Cosy Kitchen. 

• 3 scoops vanilla ice cream (or non-fat frozen yogurt) 
• 1 tablespoon milk (or non-fat milk)
• I large dollop of plain yogurt (greek yogurt can be a healthy option)
• 5 Kraft Jumbo Jef-Puffed marshmallows
• Whipped cream
Toast marshamllows under a broiler, or, if you’re frisky, over a flame until they just start to blacken evenly (the trick is to make sure it’s evenly toasted and dark, but not turned to charcoal). Put the milk, yogurt, and then ice cream in the blender. Blend carefully, just until you get a “donut”—when you see the shake holding to the sides of the blender with a hollow core. Add three of the toasted marshmallows to the blender, and whirl it just until they’re all broken up and distributed evenly. Be careful not to overblend it, making it too melty. Pour shake into a glass, top with a dollop of whipped cream, break the last two marshmallows on top, and serve with an extra-wide straw.

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